Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Club
Are you a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh and need someone to duel with? Come to Duel Club and face off with multiple opponents! Bring your own cards or use the libraries stash!
- https://www.dorrlibrary.michlibrary.org/about/lib-cal/yu-gi-oh-duel-club-2
- Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Club
- 2022-09-10T14:00:00-04:00
- 2022-09-10T23:59:59-04:00
- Are you a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh and need someone to duel with? Come to Duel Club and face off with multiple opponents! Bring your own cards or use the libraries stash!
- When Sep 10, 2022 from 02:00 PM (US/Eastern / UTC-400)
- Previous dates.
- Where Dorr Township Library
- Contact Phone 616-681-9678
- Add event to calendar iCal