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How to Get a Library Card

Who may get a card?

Cards are free to children and adults who live in our service area. Our service area includes the township of Dorr.

How to Apply in Person

If you are a Dorr Township resident, come into the library with an up-to-date Michigan Driver’s License, Michigan ID Card, or Resident Alien Card that has your picture and your current street address. If you are unable to fulfill the previous requirement, you may bring (for photo identification purposes) a military ID, employment ID, school ID, out-of-state driver’s license, or passport AND (for establishment of current street address) a voter registration card, recent utility bill, hospitalization record or bill, insurance card or automobile registration, printed check, or a recent local property tax bill. Children under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who must meet the registration requirements listed above. Report any lost or stolen cards to 616-681-9678. Card replacement cost is $1.00.

How to Apply Online

If it is difficult for you to visit the library during our open hours, you can register for a card online! Go to and select Adult or Minor Card Application. Enter your information, including your Driver’s License or State ID number (or your parent or guardian’s, if you are a minor) and your current address. Your information will be checked against library records and an online address database to verify your eligibility. Within an hour, you will receive an email telling you if (1) you’ve been registered for a new card (available to Dorr Township residents only), (2) already have a card (call the library if it is expired, or blocked), or (3) could not be registered (and please call the library). In as little as a few minutes, you will have your own barcode that can be used at the library or to access a wide range of digital offerings, including eBooks and eAudiobooks on Libby and eBooks, eAudiobooks, music, and movies on Hoopla.

Not from Dorr?

Patrons of the surrounding townships of Hopkins, Salem, Wayland, and Leighton can come in and using the same identification requirements above can be registered for library cards from their home library. Dorr Library and the other cards are valid at all Lakeland Library Cooperative Libraries. We currently do not issue non-resident cards. If you would like to apply online for any of these townships you must find the appropriate link through their website as the link above will only work for Dorr residence.

Renewing your card.

Library cards expire every three years and must be renewed in person or over the phone. We will ask you to verify the address and phone and then extend the expiration date another 3 years. If you are a resident of another library in our cooperative we can extend your date for one year. Until your card is renewed, you will not be able to place a hold, check out an item, or use our electronic resources. If you signed up through Patron Point you will receive an email prompt that your card is almost expired and you can give us a call to renew that for you! 

What do I get with my card?

Your card can be used at any of the 81 libraries in the Lakeland Library Cooperative. It also lets you use your card across the state in other public libraries that participate in "visiting patron checkout" through the Michigan e-Library or MeL. If you prefer to stay close to home, the card lets you place items on hold through both systems. You also have access to a number of e-services that we provide, such as Mango Languages, Gale Courses, RbDigital, Libby/Overdrive, and more!