July 8th Minutes
Dorr Township Library
Board of Trustees
July 8, 2013
6:30 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by President Patty Moore at 6:37pm
Members Present: Pat Moore, Peggy Otto, Louis Harnish, Sarah Stanton: Director Sue Wierenga, Absent: Tara Reece, Ken Huizinga
Audience: Dorr Township Board Trustee, Patty Sennecker, Bernie Schumacher
Approval of Minutes: Stanton motioned to approve the agenda; Otto seconded motion; all approved-motion carried
Secretary’s report: Motion to approve minutes by Stanton; seconded by Otto: all approved-report approved
Treasurer’s report: Motion to approve minutes by Moore, seconded by Stanton: all approved-motion carried. Motion to approve credit card statement of 378.38 by Moore, seconded by Otto: all approved-motion carried.
Library Update
-Correspondence: Two FOIA were sent by Dorr Board member Patty Sennecker It was the consensus of the board that this is a hostile request by Ms. Sennecker and that a simply e-mail or personnel request for information was all the action needed. The most concerning request in the FOIA was the W-2 and 1099 of our staff members. The W-2 and 1099 are to be viewed only by Ms. Sennecker. Serious consequences will arise if they are found in the hands of others or posted online. Due to Ms Sennecker’s relentless harassment of the Dorr Library Board and Director in regards to further FOIAs , Director Wierenga solicited the advice of Att. Maureen A. Gottilieb. She works under the CMDA Law firm that specializes in FOIA and municipality law. Att, Gottlieb sent a packet of information concerning FOIA. The packet was disturbed to all the board member. At the request of Director Wierenga-Att. Gottlieb will be our guest at the next board meeting to further present information on the FOIA issue
Grants: None
-Staff meetings: None
Trustee Update: Otto presented the library report at the 6/20/13 Township Board meeting. She addressed the first FOIA by Sennecker. Otto strongly admonished the behavior of the township board and Senneker in the sending of the FOIA vs simply asking for the said information. If this behavior continues possible legal action will be taken concerning the township board and Sennecker
Trustee Opportunities and Committee reports
Public Comment: Dorr township Board trustee, Patty Sennecker and Bernie Schumacher both addressed the FOIA situation, Schumacher expressed the need for transparency in government. The reason for these FOIA remains unclear as they are for “the people” Conversation became very strained between the board and audience. Unless the library’s budget and other paperwork is not put on line-Sennecker will continue to harass the library board with further FOIA.
Wage increase data: This was tabled until Reese and Huisinga return
FOIA: Att. Marueen Gottlieb sent a packet of information concerning the FOIA. The Library board will review this material. Library Board will be inviting Att. Maureen Gottlieb to our 8/12/13 meeting.
Policies for Public Comment and Digital Media: Wierenga wrote policies to be reviewed by board members.
Adjournment: Stanton moved to adjourn and Moore seconded: all approved; meeting adjourned at 7:18pm
Next regular meeting: March 11, 2013 at 6:30pm at the library.
Respectfully submitted by Peggy E. Otto