June 10th Minutes
Dorr Township Library
Board of Trustees
June 10, 2013
6:30 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Patty Moore at 6:30pm
Members Present: Pat Moore, Peggy Otto, Ken Huizinga, Sarah Stanton, Louis Harnish, Ken Huizinga, Tara Reese: Director Suanne Wierenga Audience: None
Approval of Agenda: Moore added to agenda-discussion of correspondence to be discussed under Library Update. Reese motioned to accept agenda with addition of discussion of correspondence; Stanton seconded motion; all yes-motion carried
Approval of Minutes: Reese motioned to approve the minutes; Stanton seconded motion; all approved-motion carried
Treasurer’s report: Reese motioned to approve treasurer’s report, seconded by Harnish: all approved-motion carried. Motion to approve credit card statement of 1265.53 by Huizinga, seconded by Stanton: all approved-motion carried.
Library Update
-Correspondence: Discussion of letter received by Moore
Grants: None
-Staff meetings: None
-Farmer’s market on May 25-not well attended; Wierenga & Stanton attended Township meeting on 5/16/13. All went well. Summer reading starts June 17th. Digging into reading.
Trustee Update:
-Township board meeting 6/20/1- Otto & Wierenga attending
Wierenga requested meeting with Personnel Committee which consists of Reese and Huizinga. Board appointed Stanton to personnel committee. Committee will discuss a time for meeting.
Trustee Opportunities and Committee reports
DBA meeting 6/20/13 at 1pm at the library
Public Comment: None
Wage increase date: A revised Sheet 14 with 5% hourly raises were discussed. It would be about a $3,400 increase overall. Julie Flores is taking summer off. Suanne expressed concern about any changes to wages until she met with Board Personnel committee.
Computer time limits: It was decided that the current policy of a one hour time limit would remain in effect. Additional time can be requested if needed by patron.
Policy for Public Comment: Wierenga will draw-up a policy allowing for public to comment during “Public comment” time only and only for 5 minutes. If board wishes to have further communication with public during meeting it may request the discussion at its discretion.
Ebay Policy: Huizinga will discuss Ebay activity with Shelly and report his findings to the board at the July meeting.
Digital Media: Wierenga will write a policy for digital media (e-readers, ipods, ipads). Basic concern is that staff doesn’t actually physically set-up the devices but rather informs the patron of where they may get the instructions to use their digital devices.
Adjournment: Moore moved to adjourn and Otto seconded: all approved; meeting adjourned at 7:53pm
Next regular meeting: July 8, 2013 at 6:30pm at the library.
Respectfully submitted by Peggy E. Otto