April 15 Minutes
Dorr Township Library
Date: April 15, 2019
7:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Rachel Vote, President.
Pledge of Allegiance: Was said.
Roll Call: Present- Rachel Vote, Carrie Brooks, Marcia Brock, Sara Rydman, Tara McMillin, Jennifer Klug Absent- None. Elyshia Schafer, Library Director, was also present. No visitors.
Approval of the Agenda: Klug motioned to approve the agenda, seconded by McMillin. All yes, motion carried.
Approval of the Minutes: Klug motioned to approve the March 18, 2019 minutes, seconded by Brock. All yes, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Vote motioned to receive and file the General ledger report, seconded by Brock. All yes, motion carried. Vote motioned, seconded by Brock, to pay the March 2019 credit card bill in the amount of $13,354.63. All yes, motion carried.
Public Comment: None.
Director’s Report: Schafer provided a report of information about library programming and events during the preceding month and upcoming events. She also provided reports on meetings attended by the Director, grant applications, building issues, and ongoing library functioning.
- Library director and board members Vote, and Klug attended a Strategic Planning Conference and provided comments and ideas.
- Summer reading program has been finalized. A Space Theme is planned.
- Popular evening Community programs with a second offering have not been filling up as expected. Rethinking how best to include all those interested in the popular programs.
- Love Your Hometown Grant voting has ended. Director is not confident of our chances. Grants in general are less available and the library is competing with a larger number of participating groups for these funds
Township Board Meeting: The next meeting is Thursday April 25, 2019. Rydman will attend this meeting. Klug and Vote attended the previous meeting and provided an update on library programing and budget. Parking lot lights were requested, again. The light on the library roof will be replaced along with another old air conditioning unit.
Committee Reports: DBA and July 4th/150th celebration – Rydman. The library will call Bingo on July 4th and July 6th.
- Next steps after Strategic Planning Meeting. See notes for comments. Continue future discussions of Board goals, community survey, visible mission statement.
- Director evaluation – goals for the next fiscal year.
- Yearly budget approval
- Employee raises
- Director Health insurance – Motion to provide family health insurance for library director. Hopkins provides 60% toward a
single/individual plan at 50%. Vote motioned and Brock seconded to provide full family coverage of 50% and the difference Hopkins
does not contribute from savings. All yes. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Vote motioned, Brock seconded to adjourn at 8:16 pm. All yes. Motion carried.
Next regular meeting: Tuesday May 20, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the library.
Submitted by Sara Rydman.