May 13th Minutes
Dorr Township Library
Board of Trustees
May 13, 2013
Meeting was called to order by Patty Moore at 6:30pm
Members Present: Pat Moore, Ken Huizinga, Peggy Otto, Sarah Stanton, Louis Harnish
Director: Suanne Wierenga Audience: 1
Approval of Agenda: Otto motioned to approve agenda, seconded by Huizinga; all approved-motion carried
Approval of Secretary’s Report: Moore motioned to approve the minutes: Stanton seconded motion: all approved-motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Received a donation from the Moose Women of 30.00. Suanne purchased a moose puppet and 2 moose books. Suanne sent a thank you note to them. Received a copy of updated 2013/2014 budget with changes to several income sources: Penal Fines, State Aid, Millage, and Rollover accounts. Huizinga motioned to approve the treasurer’s report, seconded by Stanton, All approved-motion carried. Motion to approve credit card statement of 488.72 by Huizinga, seconded by Stanton; all approved- motion carried.
Library Update
-Correspondence: Three letters were presented by Moore. Two of the letters were signed and one was not. In summary, the first signed letter dealt with an issue concerning the handling of Mel Cat book. Suanne explained the situation and it was resolved. The second signed letter was very complimentary of our staff- suggesting we have a staff member of the month. The third letter was unsigned and therefore would not be considered for discussion.
Grants: None
Staff Meetings: none
Trustee Update
DBA meeting May 18 at 1pm-Otto will be attending
Township board meeting on May 18-Suanne will be attending
Trustee Opportunities and committee reports: None
Public comment: None
Wage increase Data: Data showed an increase of 5%-wage increase- discussion at next meeting.
Kid’s Computer: Proposal to use the rest of casino money toward the purchase of a Kid’s computer. Choice was made to order one computer with the elementary software package. Total cast would be between 1500-1800 dollars. Location would be in computer room. Moore made a motion to purchase a kid’s computer with the elementary package software for between 1500-1800 dollars; Otto seconded; All approved-motion carried.
Shelving for Media Shelves: A proposal for 5-($455.84) magazine shelves and 7($420.00) media shelves plus $75.00 installation was presented by Suanne. Shipping costs were discuss with a cost of maximum amount of $100.00. Moore made a motion to buy the stated shelving; Harnish seconded the motion; all approved-motion carried.
Computer time limits; Discussion was made concerning allowed time on computers. Our policy is an hour with the option of override if more time is needed. Suanne will be checking with other libraries concerning their policies.
Adjournment: Moore moved to adjourn and Harnish seconded motion; all approved; meeting adjourned at 8:03pm
Next regular meeting: June 10, 2013 at 6:30pm at the Dorr Township Library
Respectfully submitted by Peggy E. Otto