November 11th Agenda
Dorr Township Library
November 11, 2013
6:30 P.M.
Call to Order
Approval of the Agenda [motion to approve]
Secretary’s Report [motion to approve]
October 14, 2013
October 19, 2013 (Special Meeting)
Treasurer’s Report [motion to receive and file]
-credit card statement
Public Comment
Director's Report
Programs: Halloween, Toys for Tots donations bin, story time; Upcoming: community event - Chicago bus trip, you've been socked, December Ornament making events, Winter craft market.
Publicity: Up to 122 likes on Facebook (ask your friends to like us!), articles in the Globe/Wayland Townbroadcast, working on our new newsletter which will be quarterly and available on our website and emailed out to anyone who would like to subscribe, continuing to submit programs to the Globe's calendar.
Meetings, workshops, etc: Advisory Meeting, Parks Commission Meetings, Director's Summit meeting, Rural Libraries Conference committee meeting, Summer reading annual meeting, Cataloging training, Webinar for MeL databases
Building: Furnace (boiler needs yearly maintenance), replacing light bulbs however one ballast is burned out, we need to know if these ballasts have been updated, possibility of adding an art gallery in our entrance, possibility of adding a book sale room
Library Closures: Thanksgiving
Volunteers: Looking into previous library friends group 501c3 designation or a volunteer award program
Lakeland, State, other library news: none
Patron comments and suggestions: book suggestions, dvd suggestions
Other: Working on a joint grant application for programming, currently searching for science grants to provide for the summer reading program and possibly start a Makerspace, moved the new book section, updated website, moved the oversized books, working on a weeding project for non-fiction
Trustee Update
Township Board Meeting – report
Trustee Opportunities and Committee Reports
Personnel Committee report
Public Comment
Old Business:
New Business:
-Welcome New Director!
-FOIA policy
-By-Laws Review
-Employee Personnel Manual Review
-Tech Release Form
- New signature cards and letter to credit card company
-Updating library hours
-Discussion on updating/replacing the computers
Next regular meeting: December 9, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. at the library