September 25th Minutes
Dorr Township Library
Board of Trustees
Special Meeting
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Meeting was called to order by Patty Moore at 5:35pm
Members Present: Pat Moore, Ken Huizinga, Peggy Otto, Tara Reese, Louis Harnish,
Audience: B. Schumacher, P. Sennecker, J. Martin, Karen Brower, Riley Brower, ShellyWycoff
Approval of Agenda: Otto motioned to approve agenda, seconded by Moore,; all approved-motion carried
Board Member Issue
Discussion concerning the disclosure of the applications for Director. The question is do we solicit legal counsel or not in this matter. Otto stated that we are responsible to the applicants to protect their personal information. These applicants have amazing credentials and we are humbled that they would apply for our director’s job. We need to protect the integrity of the applicants as well as integrity of the Library board. We need to seek legal counsel.
FOIA Request and Policy. It was suggested that we wait until we have hired legal counsel to fulfil the FOIA request
Discussion of retaining legal counsel
Cummings, McClory, Davis & Acho, P.L.C.
Bloom, Sluggett, & Morgan, P. C.
Motion was made to approve hiring Attorney Richard W. Butler, Jr from the law firm, Bloom, Sluggett and Morgan made by Tara Reece and seconded by Huizinga, all approved-motion carried. His fee is 170.00 per hour.
Adjournment: Moore moved to adjourn and Otto seconded motion; all approved; meeting adjourned at 5:53pm
Next Special Meeting: Monday, September 30th 2013 at 6:30pm at the Dorr Library
Next regular meeting: October 14, 203 at 6:30pm at the Dorr Township Library
Respectfully submitted by Peggy E. Otto