September 9th Minutes
Dorr Township Library
Board of Trustees
September 9, 2013
Meeting was called to order by Patty Moore at 6:33pm
Members Present: Pat Moore, Ken Huizinga, Peggy Otto, Louis Harnish, Tara Reese
Audience: 9
Approval of Agenda: Moore motioned to approve agenda, seconded by Huizinga,; all approved-motion carried
Approval of Secretary’s Report: Moore motioned to approve the minutes; Huizanga seconded motion; all approved-motion carried
Treasurer’s report: After reviewing budget, our expenditures are within our target percentage. Purchases of books will be limited to patron requests and new releases. Suanne is maintaining payment of bills and payroll. Moore motioned to approve the treasurer‘s report, seconded by Otto: all approved-motion carried. Motion to approve credit card statement of 1585.08 by Huizinga, seconded by Moore: all approved-motion carried.
Library Update
-Correspondence: None
Grants: None
-Staff meetings: A staff meeting was conducted by Reece and Moore on August 24th It went well. High points were discussion of maintaining the library until a new director is found and that staff would have input in the interview process for a new director.
Trustee Update: None
DBA meeting on September 19 at 1pm-Otto will be attending
Township board meeting on September 19- Otto will be attending
Trustee Opportunities and Committee reports: Personnel committee will present report underDirector Search in Business section of agenda
Public Comment: B. Schumacher questioned new patron policy, asked if more grants were available through Casino and concerns on FOIA policy (clarity in policy between library document and public document).
Director Search: Personnel committee reportedthat we posted the job opening through the MLA (cost of 50.00), LLC, Dorr Library website and Dorr township website. We have currently received 10 applications.
Reese will download so that each applicant has a folder and will e-mail them to Moore, Huizinga and Otto. Harnish will receive a hard copy of applications. A September 20th cut-off for receiving applications
has be established. Board members are to read them and fill out a Director Application Review form for each application. We will choose top four for interviews. The plan is to have the staff sit in on the 2nd interview of candidates.
Board Vacancy: So far we have received 3 applications. Cut off for accepting applications will be September 30th. We will interview candidates at October 14 meeting. Huizinga will call the applicants.
FOIA Policy: Harnish will compile a rough draft of a FOIA policy. Plan is to wait until we have a new director to implement the policy.
By-Law Review: Board agreed that By-Laws need to be updated but will table further discussion until a new director is hired.
Adjournment: Moore moved to adjourn and Huizinga seconded motion; all approved; meeting adjourned at 7:34pm
Next regular meeting: October 14th at 6:30pm at the Dorr Township Library
Respectfully submitted by Peggy E. Otto