April 14th Minutes
Dorr Township Library
Date: April 14, 2014
6:30 P.M.
Meeting was called to order at 6:33pm by Pat Moore, President.
Roll Call: Present- Pat Moore, Tara Reece, Ken Huizinga, Peggy Otto, Louis Harnish. Absent- Barbara Gibson. Natalie Bazan, Library Director, was also present. 1 visitor.
Approval of the Agenda: Reece amended to include item under New Business to discuss electronic Board documents. Otto motioned to approve the amended agenda; seconded by Reece. All yes, motioned carried.
Approval of the Minutes: Motioned to approve the March 2014 Minutes by Otto, seconded by Moore. All yes, motioned carried. Otto motioned to approve the March 31st, 2014 Special Meeting Minutes, seconded by Huizinga. All yes, motioned carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Reece motioned to receive and file the March 2014 Treasurer’s report, seconded by Otto. All yes, motioned carried. Huizinga motioned, Harnish seconded to pay the current credit card bill in the amount of $5088.03. All yes, motioned carried.
Public Comment: Was heard.
Director’s Report: Bazan provided information about library programming and events during the preceding month and upcoming events. She also provided reports on meetings attended, grant applications, building issues, and ongoing library functioning.
Township Board Meeting: The next meeting is 4/28/14. Otto will attend this meeting. Otto , Gibson, Huizinga, Reece, and Bazan attended the previous meeting and provided information about library functioning.
Committee Reports: None.
1. Art Wall: Waiting for installation due to a ladder, but purchases have already been made.
2. Computer Updates: Working on scheduling for the upgrades to PCCops which will occur in the next month.
3. 2013/2014 Budget Amendments: Waiting for a few outstanding bills from the 2013/2014 fiscal year to close out that budget. Will table this discussion until May 2014.
1. Lending Nooks/Kindles with Lending Agreement and Policy: We have purchased 4 electronic e-readers and have had 2 donated (3 Kindles, 3 Nooks) and discussed lending these readers to patrons. We have pre-loaded several free books onto the e-readers that would be available to patrons. Moore motioned to approve this, Huizinga seconded. All yes, motioned carried.
2. Beginning Workshop: This is occurring in May and would like Shera to attend so that she can be certified as a Level 4 librarian. The cost of the Workshop is $135 plus hotel. This will occur as part of the Education budget.
3. Electronic Board Documents: Discussed moving to exclusive electronic copies of Board documents since they are all online on the website. We agreed to trial this for a few months with two hard copies provided for the meeting. Reece motioned to adopt this procedure, Otto seconded. All yes, motioned carried.
4. Staff Reviews and Discussion of Raises: Staff reviews are scheduled for the end of the fiscal year. Several employees have not had raises for 8 years. Proposed raises for three employees who have been working at the library for 8+ years. Two employees are currently at 7.50 and the other at 10.06. Bazan will gather more data with regard to comparable salaries from other local libraries and the Board with further discuss this issue at the May 2014 meeting.
Adjournment: Moore motioned, Otto seconded to adjourn at 7:45pm. All yes.
Next regular meeting: May 12, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at the library.
Submitted by Tara Cornelius Reece.