Dorr Township Library Board of Trustee Meeting
February 10, 2014 6:30pm
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Agenda (motion to approve)
Approval of the Minutes (motion to approve)
Treasurer’s Report (motion to approve)
- credit card statement: $179.30 (book and dvd purchases)
Public Comment:
Director’s Report
- Programs:
Tai Chi, book club, Winter Reading Bingo, story time, teen game night, stash busters, Upcoming: Computer basics, paper flowers/cards, story time, stash busters, flowers in February, Dorr garden club.
- Publicity: Facebook, library website, Twitter, Pinterest, in the Globe
- Meetings, workshops, etc.: Director’s summit meeting, Rural Library
conference - finishing as awards chair, staff meeting for Saturday February 15th, LLC Advisory and Board meetings, Big Talk from Small Libraries, signed up to attend the PLA conference in March
- Building: Leak in the Men's restroom, several crack in the walls have been reported, need to bring in a longer latter for the 3m art wall, several cracks expanding in the floor, need to have our vacuum repaired
- Library Closures: Weather related closures Jan 27 & 28.
- Volunteers: Teen group has helped with set up of tables and programs, working with other local organizations to set up monthly displays in our lobby.
- Lakeland, State and other library news:
- Patron comments/suggestions: book and dvd suggestions are
being processed, programming suggestions are beginning, many compliments on our new Book Sale Room
- Other: Work continues on reorganizing old records, processing job applications for two openings closes on the 11th and we are hoping to have interviews the 13th and 14th, attending Scholastic's second book sale of the year, beginning work on the Policy Manual, scheduling has begun for additional programming, State Aid report is complete and submitted, applied for two additional grants, nominated staff member for award
Trustee Update:
- Township Board Meeting - report
Committee Reports: - none
Old Business: - By-laws - Employee Personnel Manual - Gift Policy (name change to Donation Policy)
New Business: Release of employee files, 2013/2014 Budget Amendments, 2014/2015 Proposed budget, Correspondence, Resolution, Director's Provisional Status Evaluation