Proposed - Personnel Manual
All Library employees are employed at will unless expressly provided otherwise in a written employment contract.
Personnel policies apply to all Dorr Township Library employees (contract and at will).
The Dorr Township Library will not unlawfully discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status. No personnel action will unlawfully discriminate against an individual based on any of these characteristics. Personnel actions include, but are not limited to: recruitment, employment, promotion, transfer, disciplinary action, lay-off, termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training.
Except where permitted by law, the Library will not deny an individual the full and equal enjoyment of its goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations because of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, or veteran status.
Dorr Township Library will observe federal and state laws concerning equal employment opportunity. The Library will make reasonable accommodations, as required by law, for the disabilities of otherwise qualified employees or applicants.
All persons hired by the Library must be eligible to work in the United States pursuant to the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.
Dorr Township Library is committed to providing a work place free from harassment. Therefore, Dorr Township Library prohibits harassment of employees or members of the public by an employee. Harassment can occur with a single incident or through a pattern of behavior where the purpose or effect is to create a hostile, offensive, or intimidating work environment. Harassment can result from a broad range of actions, which might include, but are not limited to, the following:
· physical or verbal intimidation;
· racial, gender, or age insults;
· derogatory ethnic jokes;
· religious slurs; or
· sexual harassment (as defined below).
Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature when:
· submission to such conduct or communication is made a term or condition either explicitly or implicitly to obtain employment;
· submission to or rejection of such conduct or communication by an individual is used as a factor in decisions affecting such individual's employment; or
· such conduct or communication has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's employment or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive employment environment.
This policy against harassment also prohibits acts of non-employees which result in an intimidating, hostile, or offensive employment environment or unreasonably interferes with an individual's employment.
An employee who believes that he or she has been harassed shall promptly provide a written report of the incident to their immediate supervisor, Library Director, or the Library Board.
Dorr Township Library will conduct a prompt and thorough investigation of each incident and, if a violation is found, will take prompt and appropriate action against the person, or persons, responsible.
Employees who violate the policy will be subject to discipline up to and including discharge. Dorr Township Library prohibits any form of retaliation against employees for bringing bona fide complaints or providing information about harassment.
Non-employees who violate this policy shall be considered in violation of Disruptive Behavior (including in the Patron Rules and Responsibilities) and may be barred from use of the library for specified periods of time.
a. Professional Conduct Policy:
The staff is expected to provide courteous service to all patrons using the library at all times. It is important that all members of the staff remember that they are representatives of the Dorr Township Library at all times. Excellent customer services includes:
- Positive attitude: great patrons with a smile and conduct yourself with an upbeat demeanor, while demonstrating flexibility and approachability towards staff and the public.
- Professionalism: present yourself in person and on the telephone in a way that is refined, polished, courteous, controlled, warm and helpful.
- Responsiveness: respond promptly to the needs of fellow staff and our patrons.
- Problem Solving: be proactive in anticipating and preventing problems before they arise, address them and take ownership for them when they do arise.
- Initiative: if a task needs to be done just do it – go above and beyond for our patrons and your fellow staff members.
- Being Team Player: pitch in to help other members of the team and work toward achieving success.
- Accountability: assume responsibility for all of your actions an follow through to ensure you and your fellow staff complete tasks and assignments with attention to detail.
- Respect: treat patrons and fellow staff members as you would want to be treated; demonstrating dignity, sensitivity and tactfulness in al communications. Be open and accepting of other people’s values and needs.
- Stewardship: protect and ensure the best interest of the library at all times and be an ambassador for the Dorr Township Library on the job or in the public. Use library resources economically and responsibly.
- Leadership: be a mentor to your fellow staff members and new employees by exemplifying the characteristics of excellent customer service at all times.
- Compassion: be caring and empathetic to the feelings, thoughts and experiences of fellow staff members and patrons indiscriminately and without judgment.
b. Personal Internet Usage:
- Staff are allowed to use the internet on library time if and only if there are not other tasks which need to be completed which includes but is not limited to: assisting patrons, straightening shelves, checking in and shelving materials, processing materials (both cataloging and covering), and any other assigned tasks.
c. Phone answering procedure:
- Phones should usually be answered in 3 rings or less. Identify the library, yourself and asking what you can do for the patron must be included in the greeting. For example:
o “Dorr Township Library this is John Smith, how can I help you?”
d. Dress :
- Business casual dress is expected at all times when the library is open.
e. Lateness/Illness:
- All stall are expected to arrive and be ready for their shift at least 5 minutes prior to the beginning of their shift. Incidents of lateness or employees not prepared for work at least 5 minutes prior to the start of the shift, will be documented. Refer to the Disciplinary Action Policy below for steps.
- In case of illness, staff are expected to report to the library director if the library is not yet open or to the staff working if the library is open. PTO will be used for hours taken off. After three successive days of illness, staff are required to provide documentation of illness to the director.
f. Opening and Closing Procedure:
- On any given day that the library is open, there will be a designated opener and closer according to a schedule set by the director. The opener will perform all necessary opening procedures, which will require said opener to arrive approximately 15 minutes prior to the library’s stated opening time. The opener on that day will be given an extra .25 hour on their time-sheet for opening, for each day they are designated opener.
- Opening Procedures 1-6 are to be done approximately 15 minutes prior to opening time. Procedures prior to opening are:
1. Re-assemble and turn on coffee machine.
2. Turn on Circulation computers:
a. On the main Circ computer log into PCCop management system, PCCop print release, and Sierra.
b. On the check-in computer log into Sierra.
3. Turn on OPAC computers, Word Processor and Public Computers.
4. Take the money box from the drawer in the office, place and open it in the drawer next to the Circulation Computer.
5. Change the Due-Date Stampers.
6. Turn lights on.
- Opening Procedures 7-14 to be done at opening time:
7. Turn off answering machine.
8. Unlock the inner lobby doors, making sure to leave the handicap door propped open. (This can be done prior to opening)
9. Remove overnight drop box.
10. Flip Open/Closed sign down (This designates OPEN)
11. Unlock outer lobby doors.
12. Lock the drop box chute.
13. Turn on the lights in the bathrooms. (This can be done prior to opening)
14. Bring drop box in the library and place it under the drop slot. (This can be done by the closer, while the opener completes the other opening procedures.)
- For the employee performing the overnight check-ins: Be sure to back-date to the previous night or Saturday, if the current day is Monday. To ensure that current check-ins are not mixed with overnights, it is recommended that the overnights be removed promptly from the drop box.
- Closing procedures 1-4 are done approximately 15 minutes prior to stated closing time:
1. Using the PCCop management system, go up to Actions, choose Shut Down. Make sure all computers (Patron 1-Patron 8) are displayed. Click Select All, Shutdown, then OK. This will give a prompt that they were shut down successfully. If a computer did not shut down, the system will let you know.
2. Shut down both OPACs and the Word Processor by pressing the power button.
3. Shut off the lights in the rooms.
4. Clean the coffee machine**:
a. Press the wash button and simultaneously press the Hot Cocoa Button. Hold until the water turns clear.
b. Repeat for French Vanilla.
c. Remove the tray, separate and clean in the sink.
d. Place the tray on towel/drying cloth, which is found in the second drawer.
e. Turn off the machine.
f. **On Saturdays the coffee machine is completely dismantled and washed to prevent build-up of powdered mix.
- Closing Procedures 5-15 are to be done at the stated closing time:
5. Turn on the answering machine.
6. Take the drop box and place it in the drop box/storage room.
7. Flip the Open/Closed Sign up. (This shows “CLOSED”)
8. Unlock the drop box chute.
9. Lock the outer lobby doors.
10. Check both bathrooms, flushing when necessary. Shut off the lights. (This can be done by the opener, while the closer is placing drop box/locking doors)
11. Lock the inner lobby doors.
12. Enter in the petty cash statistics into the blue binder. (This can be done by the opener, while the closer is placing drop box/locking doors)
13. Turn off library lights.
14. Shut down the Circulation computers. (This can be done by the opener, while the closer is placing drop box/locking doors)
15. Make sure the side and back entrances are locked before leaving the building.
- The Closer is expected to remain after closing time approximately 15 minutes to verify that all duties are finished. The Closer will be compensated .25 hour on their time-sheet, for each day they are designated Closer.
g. Scheduling:
A schedule of work times will be posted in the break room. Lunches will be scheduled in the monthly schedule. Breaks will be taken at the discretion of the employee during times when the library is not busy.
- For a 4 up to 5.75 hour shift – 1 break of no more than 10 minutes
- For a 6 hour sift – 1 lunch of no more than 30 minutes
- For an 6.25 up to 10 hour shift – 1 lunch of no more than 30 minutes and 2 breaks of no more than 10 minutes each
a. Disclosure of Employee File Information:
The Library Director shall be responsible to uniformly handle all requests for disclosure of employee file information.
Disclosure of employee information shall be handled in accordance with the following:
· All requests for information contained within employee personnel files, including requests for employment verification and job references, shall be forwarded to the library director.
· Upon receiving a request for information, the library director shall require authorization from the individual about whom information is being requested before releasing any information, unless the request is pursuant to a subpoena or request from a governmental agency. The authorization must be in writing and signed by the individual who is the subject of the request. It must state the type of information that may be released and the party to whom information may be supplied.
· The information requested shall be released only to the party authorized to receive it. This information may be provided by library director.
· The confidentiality of social security numbers contained in personnel files or employment records shall be maintained in compliance with Michigan’s Social Security Number Privacy Act (P.A. 454 of 2004).
b. Social Security Numbers Privacy:
In compliance with Michigan’s Social Security Number Privacy Act, P.A. 454 of 2004, (the “Act”) Dorr Township Library will ensure, to the extent practicable, the confidentiality of social security numbers it possesses, uses, or disposes of. For the purpose of this policy, SSN refers to the use of more than 4 sequential numbers of an individual’s social security number.
Dorr Township Library will not:
· Publicly display more than 4 sequential numbers of an individual’s complete social security number;
· Use the SSN as the primary account number for any individual;
· Visibly print the SSN on any identification badge or card, membership card, or permit or license;
· Require an individual to use or transmit the SSN over the internet or computer system unless the connection is secure or the transmission is encrypted;
· Require an employee to transmit the SSN to gain access to an internet website or computer system network unless the connection is secure, the transmission is encrypted, or a password or other authentication devise is required to gain access;
· Include the SSN in or on any document sent to an individual if the numbers are visible on or, without manipulation, from outside of the envelope or packaging;
· Include the SSN in or on any document or information mailed to an individual, except in accordance with the Act or other applicable laws, rules, or regulations; or
· Unlawfully disclose social security numbers in violation of the Act or other applicable laws, rules, and regulations.
· Only personnel authorized by the Library Director will have access to documents that contain social security numbers. Documents containing social security numbers will be disposed of in an appropriate manner that protects their confidentiality, such as shredding, when no longer needed and in accordance with the requirements of state and federal law. Penalties for violating this Policy may include discipline up to and including dismissal and violations of the Act are punishable to the extent of the law (P.A. 454 of 2004).
a. Evaluations:
The Dorr Township Library shall require regular performance evaluations of all staff. Performance evaluations provide a means of recognizing job strengths, as well as developmental opportunities, and help staff to reach their full potential.
Merit increases shall be based upon a rating of the employee's work performance and budget availability. Such ratings shall be prepared at the completion of the initial employment period (90 days) and prior to the library’s fiscal year end thereafter.
b. Benefits:
No health, dental, vision, or life insurance is provided. However, pursuant with the Affordable Care Act, we encourage employees to explore options for health care on the Health Insurance Marketplace.
c. Emergency Closing Compensation:
When emergency conditions require that the Dorr Township Library facility be closed, employees may choose to utilize Paid Time Off (PTO), or if approved by their supervisor, work alternate hours during the same pay period (provided overtime is not incurred).
Decisions for closing the library due to weather or other emergencies will be made by the Library Director. The following conditions shall be considered for emergency closings or delays:
- Weather conditions that are declared emergencies or disasters: tornado warnings and blizzard warnings being examples.
- Power failure or other malfunctions of the library building (ie. Inoperable furnace, flooding, etc.)
- No computer service with a resolution to the problem projected to be 2 or more hours in the future.
In severe weather, staff members who cannot travel to work will not be
paid if the library is open for business. Employees who loose time in such circumstances will have the following options:
- Take time off without pay;
- Use PTO for hours missed;
- Make up the time within the pay period with the approval of the Library Director.
a. Paid time-off/Leave Policy
Employees receive PTO bank in its entirety at the beginning of the Library’s fiscal year (April 1st ) and must use their PTO hours prior to the end of the Library’s fiscal year (March 31st). Employees will not be compensated for unused PTO nor will they be allowed to carry any unused PTO into the following fiscal year. Employees will not be compensated for unused PTO if they leave the library prior to using their entire PTO bank.
The following scale will be used to calculate hours of time off. Calculations are based on a 40 hour work week and hours off are prorated based on the percentage of 40 = hours are worked (ie. If you work an average work week of 18.5 hrs, then 18.5/40=.4625 or if you work an average work week of 32 hours, then 32/40=.8). An average work week is based off of the average number of scheduled work hours over a 4 week period. PTO for salaried employees will be calculated based on the number of hours paid weekly.
All employees will work at the library a minimum of 2 months to be eligible for paid time off based on the scale below.
0-2 years |
3-5 years |
6-10 years |
10 + years |
40 hr/week (1) |
100hrs |
120hrs |
160hrs |
200hrs |
30 hr/week (.75) |
75hrs |
90hrs |
120hrs |
150hrs |
20 hr/week (.5) |
50hrs |
60hrs |
80hrs |
100hrs |
10 hr/week (.25) |
25hrs |
30hrs |
40hrs |
50hrs |
Time off includes the following categories: sick time, vacation time, personal days.
Requests for time off will be given to the Library Director in writing at least 1 week in advanced when possible and must contain a replacement for days requested off.
b. Holidays
All employees, except shelvers, will receive pay for the hours they are normally scheduled to work when those scheduled hours fall on a holiday approved by the Library Board. The holidays already approved are: New Year's Day, Easter weekend, Memorial Day weekend, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the following Friday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year's Eve. In addition, the Library Board may declare any other day an official holiday. If a holiday occurs during an employee's scheduled vacation, the holiday is not included in calculating the number of vacation days used.
c. Jury Duty
Employees summoned by a court to serve as jurors shall be given a jury leave of absence for the period of their jury duty. For each day that an eligible employee serves as a juror when the employee otherwise would have worked, the employee shall receive his/her straight time regular rate of pay for up to eight (8) hours, less any compensation received for jury duty from the court.
d. Military Leave
A military leave of absence will be granted to employees who are absent from work because of service in the United States Uniformed Services in accordance with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). Advance notice of military service is required unless military necessity prevents such notice or if it is otherwise impossible or unreasonable.
Employees who enter active military service in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States or the National Guard shall be entitled to reemployment rights in accordance with the Federal and State statutes governing such reemployment rights in effect at the time the employee seeks reemployment with the Library.
Benefit accruals such as PTO will be suspended during the leave and will resume upon the employee’s return to active employment.
For each day that a full-time employee is on such non-emergency duty leave, when the employee otherwise would have worked, the employee shall receive the difference between the employee's salary or regular straight time rate of pay for up to eight (8) hours and the amount the employee received for such training for up to a maximum of ten (10) days per year.
For each day that a full-time employee is on such emergency duty leave, when the employee otherwise would have worked, the employee shall receive the difference between the employee’s salary or regular straight time rate of pay for up to eight (8) hours and the amount the employee received for such emergency duty for up to a maximum of five (5) days. All other leaves not specified in this policy shall be unpaid.
e. Bereavement Leave
Upon notice to the supervisor, leave shall be given to attend the funeral or attend to personal family matters when a death occurs in the employee’s immediate family (this shall apply if the relationship is natural, by marriage, adoptive, step, or foster) according to the following procedure:
i. Spouse/partner, children, father, mother, sister, brother, or equivalent as determined by the employer—up to five (5) days. Employees will receive bereavement pay for the first three (3) days without charge to Paid Time Off (PTO). The remaining two (2) days will be charged to PTO.
ii. Father-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren—up to three (3) days, the first day without charge to PTO. The remaining two (2) days will be charged to PTO.
iii. Aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews—up to two (2) days pay will be charged to the employee’s PTO.
iv. General Bereavement Leave (for individuals not listed above)—not to exceed eight (8) hours of unpaid or PTO leave.
v. The library director or Board may grant additional unpaid leave for necessary travel. Employees may be permitted to substitute vacation time/PTO for unpaid leave when they prefer, if consistent with vacation/PTO and unpaid leave requests. Requests shall be in writing and copied to the board and library director.
f. Leave of Absence:
Personal leave of absence without pay may be granted at the discretion of the Library Director. All requests for a personal leave of absence must be in writing and state the reasons for and the duration of the requested leave. The written request must be signed by the employee. Approval shall be in writing by the Library Director.
Employees on personal leave are required to utilize any Paid Time Off (PTO) to which they are entitled, from the beginning of the leave. Holidays falling within the leave will not be paid. Exceptions may be approved by the Library Director.
While on personal leave without pay, an employee does not accumulate continuous service credit, but retains credit for previous service.
Employees who accept other full-time employment while on personal leave will be considered to have resigned their Dorr Township Library employment. The Library may, at its discretion, grant reemployment during or at the end of the approved personal leave.
Dorr Township Library employees are expected to conduct themselves and their work in accordance with Dorr Township Library rules when they are on duty in the Library and when they serve as representatives of the Library. All Dorr Township Library employees are subject to disciplinary action as established by the Library for various offenses or infractions that conflict in spirit or letter with responsibilities of being a Library employee and representative. The degree of discipline will vary according to the magnitude or severity of the offenses, as determined by the Library Director. Disciplinary action may take the form of verbal and written warnings, suspension, or dismissal.
If an employee’s work record is free of discipline for a period of two (2) years, the employer will not take into account any prior infractions more than two (2) years old in imposing discipline, except in cases of physical violence, sexual harassment, or dishonesty.
While disciplinary records shall be retained by the employer, disciplinary actions shall remain in the employee’s personnel file for a period of twenty-four (24) months for the purpose of progressive discipline.
When employee performance or behavior falls short of the standards and expectations of the library, efforts will be made to help the employee meet the expectations through informal discussion and/or further training. If the problem persists disciplinary actions will be taken according to the following schedule:
- Problem is documented and Employee is informed of the problem in written form and given additional training if needed
- If the problem persists:
o Personnel committee (headed by the library board vice president) will be informed
o The employee will be given a second warning and a performance review will be scheduled for the following week
o The employee will be given two (2) weeks to change the behavior
o On the third instance of the problem, the employee will either be reassigned or terminated.
Grounds for discipline: Reasons for disciplinary action include but are not limited to the following:
- Failure to perform the duties of the position in a satisfactory manner
- Failure to observe library policies and procedures
- Behavior that jeopardizes the safety of the staff or public
- Discourtesy to the public
- Failure to provide a good working environment with other employees
- Unauthorized release of confidential information
- Unauthorized removal, destruction or negligent use of library property
- Conduct detrimental to the image of the library
a. The provisions of this section shall apply exclusively to non-bargaining unit staff. Such staff may file concerns regarding hours of work, wages, and benefits. Such concerns shall be submitted to the Library Director in writing. Written concerns shall be investigated and addressed by the Library Director or his/her designee, and care will be taken to keep the staff member informed of the status of the decision. If the concern is not addressed to the staff member’s satisfaction, he or she may document their lack of satisfaction in a letter to the Library Director and copied to the staff member’s personnel file.
b. In cases of disciplinary action, including but not limited to suspension, demotion, or discharge, the employee shall be given written notice of the action taken and provided an opportunity to respond.
c. Nothing contained in this policy is intended to create a just-cause employment relationship or to establish a disciplinary policy that precludes the Library from discharging an employee at will.
a. Transportation reimbursement:
Dorr Township Library employees shall be reimbursed for public transportation or mileage and parking expenses incurred while using their private vehicle in the performance of official duties. The employee is responsible for maintaining a record of transportation costs. Mileage shall be reimbursed at the actual IRS rate.
b. Honoraria:
Dorr Township Library staff members requested to speak at job-related meetings or workshops are encouraged to do so. Formal presentation proposals must be approved by the Library Director prior to acceptance of the commitment. When engagements of this nature involve an honorarium paid by the sponsor to the staff member, the Library requires the individual to remit this payment to Dorr Township Library if they attend and participate during Library time (i.e., on a scheduled work day approved and credited as time worked). If, however, the employee participates on the employee's own time (e.g., vacation, holiday, or day off), the employee may keep the honorarium payment.
Dorr Township Library staff members approved as presenters remain subject to other Dorr Library policies regarding conference attendance and transportation reimbursement.
c. Professional Association/Community Organization Memberships
Dorr Township Library encourages employees to actively participate in professional associations and community organizations related to their work which are mutually beneficial to the library and the professional growth of the employee.
Upon approval by the Director, Dorr Township Library will pay for memberships which benefit library operations in the following manner:
· Management – one annual professional membership and one annual community membership.
· Other Employees – one annual membership for staff actively engaged in committee work with the approval of their immediate supervisor and the Library Director.
d. Continuing Education and Tuition Reimbursement
Staff members may be selected to attend conferences or other functions that contribute to their professional growth. Time off with pay, including travel time, may be allowed to attend Library of Michigan certification classes, conferences, workshops, and other meetings. Employees wishing to attend conferences must have prior written approval from the library director or board. Employees may be limited to a maximum of 3 events a year depending on budgeting. Conference attendance approval is dependent on scheduling, budgetary constraints, and previous conference attendance. Employees are expected to share their conference and workshop experiences with other Dorr Township Library staff members which may include a formal presentation, handout, or individual sessions with staff and/or board members.
The Dorr Township Library is unable to reimburse for tuition.
- Library Director:
- Administration: Holds full responsibility for administration of the library within the framework of the library’s plan, Board policies, the budget and applicable laws. Reports at each Board Meeting and in other ways keeps the Board informed of the Library’s progress and problems. Attends all regular and special Board meetings. Serves as exofficio, non-voting member of all library committees.
- Leadership: Analyzes the Library’s strengths and weaknesses. Recommends plans for the Library’s growth and means for implementing plans. Initiates new services. Proposes improvements to Library services.
- Policy: Recommends and drafts policies on the direction of the Library Board. Works with committees on development of policies. Advises the Board on the merit of decisions being considered. Interprets policies to staff. Works at maintaining an up-to-date policy manual.
- Finance: Develops a recommended budget for the Board. Approves expenditures as authorized in the approved budget. Supervises the maintenance of financial records and arranges for an annual audit. Controls costs and meets the budgetary objectives through such methods as eliminating unnecessary operations, prudent use of resources, etc.. Works with Board members to maintain existing funding and to obtain new sources of revenue. Negotiates all Library agreements and contracts.
- Continuing Education: Orients new Library Board members. Keeps staff and board informed of developments in the library field. Provides opportunity for trustees and staff to attend workshops. Provides opportunity for staff to attend educational seminars.
- Grants: Writes grant proposals. Supervises successful completion of grants. Works with staff to write grant proposals and supervise completion.
- Personnel: Provides appropriate job descriptions for all staff and maintains personnel files. Has authority to employ, direct, evaluate, and terminate employees as appropriate after following the disciplinary policy with the approval of the Library Board.
- Recommends changes in working conditions, fringe benefits and salary/hourly pay scale when appropriate. Capitalizes on skills and initiative of all staff members.
- Representation: Represents the interest of the Library by participating in area library associations and in Lakeland Library Cooperative and State Library activities. Maintains membership in community service organizations if possible.
- Reports: prepares and presents reports including monthly financial and statistical reports. Prepares and files the annual State Aid Report and any other needed special reports.
- Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: Thorough knowledge of public libraries and especially their goals and objectives. Experience with Library automation systems is essential.
- Excellent oral and written communication skills. Works effectively with others.
- Understanding of accounting and ability to prepare financial and other statistical reports.
- Valid Michigan Driver’s License is required.
- Education and Experience: A college degree. At least 3 years professional experience in public libraries some of which must be at a managerial level. Experience with writing and supervising grants.
- Operation: Give reference and reader’s advisory services to adults and children. Conduct library publicity program throughout the year, using: bulletin boards, web page, flyers, newspaper, other promotional techniques. Shelve books and other materials. Register patrons. Assist patrons in location materials and in using the library. Send over-due notices in accordance with library policy. Make monthly deposit of cash receipts taken in. Update computer programs as needed. Order and purchase supplies as needed.
- Adult Librarian:
- Duties: Aids Library director in planning and conducting a library program to meet the community needs. Is responsible for the library program in the absence of the Library Director. Assists library clerk in duties.
- Specific Functions: Selects and orders adult library materials. Catalogs, classifies and prepares materials for adult section. Assists in preparation of the budget for adult section. Keeps collection current and in good condition by weeding, binding or replacement. Conducts book club and special reading programs. Orients adult groups in use of the Library. Offers adult reading and reference service as well as computer classes. Coordinates library service with community and other adult groups. Consults Library Director regarding purchases and programs prior to institution. Keeps library materials in proper order and other duties as assigned by the Library Director.
- Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: A broad understanding of library services. General knowledge of library methods. Communicates effectively with staff and the public. Current certification according to minimum standards for Systems and Public Libraries and authorized by State of Michigan. Specific education and knowledge of adult needs. Demonstrate enthusiasm in continuing education.
- Regarding Job Duties: These job duties will be assigned to the Adult Librarian if she/he has the qualifications necessary to perform them in a knowledgeable manner. The Adult Librarian will be expected to perform all, or a portion of, the job duties listed depending upon his/her level of ability.
- Teen Librarian
- Duties: Aids Library director in planning and conducting a library program to meet the community needs. Is responsible for the library program in the absence of the Library Director. Assists library clerk in duties.
- Specific Functions: Selects and orders teen library materials. Catalogs, classifies and prepares materials for teen/children’s section. Prepares budget for teen section. Keeps collection current and in good condition by weeding, binding or replacement. Conducts Teen Reading Club and special programs. Orients teen groups in use of the Library. Offers reading and reference service. Coordinates library service with schools and teen groups. Consults Library Director regarding purchases and programs prior to institution. Keeps library materials in proper order and other duties as assigned by the Library Director.
- Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: A broad understanding of library services. General knowledge of library methods. Communicates effectively with staff and the public. Current certification according to minimum standards for Systems and Public Libraries and authorized by State of Michigan. Specific education and knowledge of teen/children’s needs. Demonstrate enthusiasm in continuing education.
- Regarding Job Duties: These job duties will be assigned to the Teen Librarian if she/he has the qualifications necessary to perform them in a knowledgeable manner. The Teen Librarian will be expected to perform all, or a portion of, the job duties listed depending upon his/her level of ability.
- Children’s Librarian:
- Duties: Aids Library director in planning and conducting a library program to meet the community needs. Is responsible for the library program in the absence of the Library Director. Assists library clerk in duties.
- Specific Functions: Selects and orders children’s library materials. Catalogs, classifies and prepares materials for children’s section. Prepares budget for children’s section. Keeps collection current and in good condition by weeding, binding or replacement. Conducts Story Hour and special programs. Orients children groups in use of the Library. Offers reading and reference service. Coordinates library service with schools and children’s groups. Consults Library Director regarding purchases and programs prior to institution. Keeps library materials in proper order and other duties as assigned by the Library Director.
- Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: A broad understanding of library services. General knowledge of library methods. Communicates effectively with staff and the public. Current certification according to minimum standards for Systems and Public Libraries and authorized by State of Michigan. Specific education and knowledge of children’s needs. Demonstrate enthusiasm in continuing education.
- Regarding Job Duties: These job duties will be assigned to the Children’s Librarian if she/he has the qualifications necessary to perform them in a knowledgeable manner. The Children’s Librarian will be expected to perform all, or a portion of, the job duties listed depending upon his/her level of ability.
- Clerk:
- Duties: Serves the public at the Circulation Desk by checking in and out library materials, collects money and overdue fines and lost and damaged materials, issues new/replacement library cards, registers new patrons and processes name and address changes. Responsible for collection maintenance duties: sorts and shelves library materials; empties book-drop(s); shelf-reading; shifts materials; cleans, dusts, and inspects library materials for damage; discards and repairs library materials. Ensures circulation policies and procedures are followed for the proper handling of customer and material records for an accurate library database. This includes data entry of late, lost, damaged, and claims returned items, and patron information including necessary notes. Sorts, packs, unpacks, and inspects library materials received from or being delivered to other libraries. Runs reports and lists for item hold information and interlibrary loan requests. Searches shelves for requests, retrieves items requested, and routes items appropriately. Contacts customers or other libraries as necessary. Provides informal reader’s advisory service from the circulation function. Provides directional information to the public in person or by telephone. Assists with reference requests to the librarian staff. Provides information to customers regarding the Library’s circulation policies, procedures and refers issues to management as appropriate. Counts, balances, and records monies received through the circulation function. Forwards reconciled funds and paperwork to the director. Provides assistance to customers and staff in the use of library equipment and machines (e.g., e-readers, copier, on-line catalog, word processing, etc.); performs routine maintenance and corrects minor malfunctions of library equipment, such as refilling paper and toner and assisting with paper jams. Performs other clerical tasks upon request, including materials order entry, supply ordering, word processing, filing, cataloging and materials covering, checking in new periodicals, etc. Sorts and distributes U.S. and inter-office mail. Provides training and guidance to less experienced circulation staff and may serve as a team leader on group assignments. Shelving and other duties as assigned are also included.
- Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: High school diploma or GED. Basic clerical skills including computer and telephone skills. Basic mathematical skills necessary for routine calculations. Ability to work with general supervision and adhere to established policies and procedures. Interpersonal and communication skills for interaction with staff and customers in an effective and courteous manner. Skills necessary to effectively provide leadership and guidance to less experienced circulation staff. Visual acuity necessary to retrieve library materials from shelves or storage areas. Physical ability to push/pull fully loaded book carts, retrieve or place materials above shoulder or below knee level, and lift/carry materials and delivery bags weighing up to 40 pounds. Hearing ability to answer telephone and customer inquiries. Manual dexterity, visual acuity and sufficient keyboarding/PC skills to effectively access information on the computer. Ability to operate a variety of equipment including computer, cash register, fax and copy machine. Ability to travel between work locations and related places of business as needed.
- Shelver:
- Duties: Shelve and shelf read all library materials. Place materials in alpha-numeric order for shelving. Check books, periodicals, audio visual equipment, and other library material for damage. Unpack delivery bags and empty book drops, sorting items for check-in. Move large quantities of materials from place to place. Dust and clean shelves. May perform other duties as assigned.
- Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: The job requires education equivalent to completion of the 10th grade. Ability to follow oral and written directions. Ability to learn library book shelving system and sort/file materials alphabetically and numerically. Communication skills necessary to deal with the public in a courteous and cooperative manner. Physical agility to push/pull fully loaded book carts/trucks weighing up to 150 pounds, retrieve or place materials above shoulder or below knee level, and lift/carry materials/furniture weighing up to 40 pounds. Access to reliable transportation. Ability to work under close supervision and follow well established routines. Ability to perform repetitive tasks quickly and accurately. Visual acuity required to accurately read written materials. Depth perception required for shelving material.
- Substitute:
- Same as Clerk