March 10th Agenda
Dorr Township Library Board of Trustee Meeting
March 10, 2014 6:30pm
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Agenda (motion to approve)
Approval of the Minutes (motion to approve)
Treasurer’s Report (motion to approve)
- credit card statement: $895.99 (Microsoft Office subscriptions, book and dvd purchases)
Public Comment:
Director’s Report
- Programs: Computer basics, paper flowers/cards, story time, stash busters, flowers in February, Dorr garden club. Currently working on Summer Reading program schedule.
- Publicity: Facebook, library website, Twitter, Pinterest, in the Globe, just added a Tumblr account
- Meetings, workshops, etc.: Director’s summit meeting, Rural Library conference - finishing as awards chair in March, LLC Advisory and Board meetings – Canceled for March, Big Talk from Small Libraries – Presented Feb. 28, Attending the PLA conference March 10-15, preparing presentation for LLC continuing education, finishing two presentations for the Rural Libraries conference at the end of April/beginning of May
- Building: Vacuum is un-repairable, looking into replacements, need to have the carpets cleaned (please see quote), recently learned we have not smoke detectors and only 1 fire extinguisher (additional fire extinguishers are being purchased and the fire chief is looking into smoke detectors for our building)
- Library Closures: Watch for weather closures
- Volunteers: Teen group has helped with set up of tables and programs, working with other local organizations to set up monthly displays in our lobby.
- Lakeland, State and other library news:
- Patron comments/suggestions: book and dvd suggestions are being processed, programming suggestions are beginning, many compliments on our new Book Sale Room
- Other: Working to update policy manual, moving filing cabinets around for the makerspace closet and old records, signed up for a recycling container for the library, beginning to collect rechargeable and cell phone batteries (free recycling program), looking into setting up a bi-yearly technology recycling events
Trustee Update:
- Township Board Meeting -
Committee Reports: Personnel
Old Business: Art wall, Computer upgrades, 2013/2014 Budget Amendments, 2014/2015 Proposed budget special meeting date (Tuesday March 25th )
New Business: LLC Service Plan changes (vote)