March 10th Minutes
Dorr Township Library
Date: March 10, 2014
6:30 P.M.
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Pat Moore, President.
Roll Call: Present- Pat Moore, Tara Reece, Ken Huizinga, Peggy Otto, Barbara Gibson, Louis Harnish. Absent- Natalie Bazan, Library Director, was absent.1 visitor.
Approval of the Agenda: Reece motioned to add Carpet Cleaning to New Business, seconded by Otto. All yes, motioned carried. Moore motioned to approve the amended agenda; seconded by Reece. All yes, motioned carried.
Approval of the Minutes: Motioned to approve the February 2014 Minutes by Moore, seconded by Otto. All yes, motioned carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Reece motioned to receive and file the February 2014 Treasurer’s report, seconded by Gibson. All yes, motioned carried. Huizinga motioned, Otto seconded to pay the current credit card bill in the amount of $895.99. All yes, motioned carried.
Public Comment: Was heard.
Director’s Report: Bazan was not present due to her attendance at the Public Library Association conference. However, she provided written information about library programming and events during the preceding month and upcoming events. She also provided reports on meetings attended, grant applications, building issues, and ongoing library functioning.
Township Board Meeting: The next meeting is 3/24/14. Otto and Reece will attend this meeting. Otto and Bazan attended the previous meeting and provided information about library functioning.
Committee Reports: Personnel committee reported on ongoing employment issues and the two new employee hires.
1. Art Wall: This was tabled during the January 2014 meeting until the close of the fiscal year to ensure sufficient funds were available for this project. Since we are at the close of the fiscal year, this was discussed again. It is estimated to cost $300 for a steel pipe, chains, and S-hooks. There was discussion about patrons being able to see the art since it will be hung so high. There was discussion with regard to using a glassed-in case to display art. The funds would be taken from Community Promotions. Reece motioned to approve the expenditure for the art gallery in the amount of no more than $300.00 for this project, seconded by Moore. All yes, motioned carried.
2. Computer Updates: Our computer technician recommends upgrading all patron computers from Windows XP to Windows 7 since Microsoft will no longer be supporting XP at the end of this year. This will also require additional RAM for most computers. It is also recommended that we replace our two older staff computers. The quote for these updates and new computers was reviewed and discussed. Otto motioned to purchase these computer updates, RAM, and two new computers in the amount of 2776.00, seconded by Huizinga. All yes, motioned carried. We also discussed upgrading the remaining four computers to include the Microsoft Office Suite as well as the two computers in the amount not to exceed $200.00. Reece motioned to purchase these Office Suites not to exceed $200.00, seconded by Huizinga. All yes, motioned carried.
3. 2013/2014 Budget Amendments: Discussed proposed changes by Bazan with regard to moving 703.67 from the Communications line item to the Computer line item to cover expenditures related to item #2 above, to move the remaining funds from the Communication line item of the budget ($806.53) to the Professional Services line item to cover bills from February 2014 and anticipated bills for the current month, to move $3.39 from the Unique Management line item to Periodicals. However, the math related to expenditures and the printed budget did not match and the Board felt they needed more information from Bazan before approving said changes. Since there was confusion about these changes, Otto motioned to Table this discussion until the March 31, 2014 special budget meeting, seconded by Huizinga. All yes, motioned carried.
4. 2014/2015 Proposed Budget Special Meeting: Discussed having a special meeting to discuss and approve the 2014/2015 budget on March 31, 2014 at 6:30pm. Moore motioned to call this special meeting, seconded by Reece. All yes, motioned carried.
1. LLC Service Plan Amendment: Discussed the service plan changes with LLC and how this would impact members attempting to join the Cooperative. Gibson motioned to accept the new LLC Service Plan, seconded by Huizinga. All yes, motioned carried.
2. Carpet Cleaning: Discussed quote in the amount of $566.28 to have all carpeted areas of the library cleaned. This would be taken from the Community Promotions line item. Moore motioned to approve this expenditure for carpet cleaning, seconded by Gibson. All yes, motioned carried.
Adjournment: Moore motioned, Otto seconded to adjourn at 7:40pm. All yes.
Next regular meeting: April 14, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at the library.
Submitted by Tara Cornelius Reece.