May 12 Agenda
Dorr Township Library Board of Trustee Meeting
May 12, 2014 6:30pm
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Agenda (motion to approve)
Approval of the Minutes (motion to approve)
Treasurer’s Report (motion to approve)
- credit card statement: $771.42
Public Comment:
Director’s Report
- Programs: Story time (finished), Magic string Easter eggs, teen game night, world book night, garden club, Tai Chi, stash busters, book club, CPR, Upcoming: Disaster kits, Poland travelouge, teen game night, stash busters, dorr garden club, soap making, teen book club, stuffed animal sleep over. Starting to plan language table for Mango languages and possible mini-antiques road show event for Antiques Reference database. Finishing Summer Reading program posters and passports - for all ages this year beginning June 16th.
- Publicity: Facebook, library website, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Joint table with Hopkins at the AESA Early Childhood Carnival (expecting about 1000 kids 0-5), PLINKIT will be changing - signed up for the first round of conversions to Encore
- Meetings, workshops, etc.: Rural Library conference - two presentations and gave awards away, LLC Board meeting and Advisory meeting, LLC continuing education presentation canceled (may be rescheduled), ACLA meeting in April (next meeting in July at Dorr)
- Building: Waiting for quotes on carpeting and counter tops, installation of art wall completed, upholstering pin board and moving it to make room for the new art cabinet, 'Community Art Gallery' removable vinyl sign will be going up
- Library Closures: Memorial closure May 24-26
- Volunteers: Teen group has helped with set up of tables and programs, additional volunteers being added, working with other local organizations to set up monthly displays in our lobby, working with artists to set up displays.
- Lakeland, State and other library news: New websites rolling out soon, starting to look into Zinio for digital magazine subscriptions (creating LLC group), general downturn in circulation in LLC
- Patron comments/suggestions: book and dvd suggestions are being processed, programming suggestions are beginning, many compliments on our new Book Sale Room & Craft supply exchange cabinet
- Other: Audit ongoing, working on final summer reading program advertising, Statistics, finished the affidavit requested by a township board member just need to have it notarized
Trustee Update:
- Township Board Meeting -
Committee Reports: Personnel
Old Business: Budget Amendments to 2013/2014 budget, Staff reviews and raises, proposed Town Hall meeting at the library for October,
New Business: