May 12 Minutes
Dorr Township Library
Board of Trustee Meeting
Regular Meeting Minutes
May 12, 2014 6:30pm
Meeting was called to order by President Patty Moore at 6:33pm
Roll call: Present: Otto, Moore, Harnish, Huizinga Director Natalie Bazan Absent; Reece, Gibson
Approval of Agenda: Motion made to approve by Moore, seconded by Huizinga: all yes-motion carried
Approval of Minutes: Motion made to approve by Moore, seconded by Otto: all yes-motion carried
Approval of Treasurer’s report: Motion made to approve by Moore, seconded by Otto: all yes-motion carried
Approval of paying credit card statement: 771.42: Motion made by Moore, seconded by Huizinga-all yes-motion carried
Public Comment: None
Directory’s Report: Bazan reported about various programing-summer reading which will include adults, various clubs and website programs such as Mango languages and Antiques reference database
Publicity: Plinkit will be changing-Dorr is in the first wave of libraries to use new program Encore
Meetings: RLC, LLC Board meeting, ACLA meeting will be held at Dorr in July
Library closures: Memorial Day weekend-May 24-26
Volunteers: Teen group is doing various projects
Lakeland: New Websites rolling out soon-looking into Zinio –a digital magazine subscriptions
Patron Comments/suggestions: Books and DVD requests are being fulfilled
Other: Audit is on going
Trustee update
Otto attended Township board meeting on 4/28/14-uneventful. Bazan and Otto will attend
May 27th township board meeting
DBA: Otto and Bazan attend these meetings. Library going to participate in fundraiser for the
Dorr fireworks.
Committee Reports: none
Old Business
Budget Amendments for 2013/2014 budget: Motion made to accept the amendments by Otto,seconded by Moore: all yes, motion carried
Staff Reviews and raises
Proposed town hall meeting at the library for October
Statistics of library-Collection of books -34,130: Checked out last year-41,986: Collection is valued at
Roughly 500,000 dollars: Added 2800 books so far this year
Review of Asst. Director, Dept. Head, & Senior Librarian wages: Asst. Director, Karen Brower, requested that she would like to meet in a closed session in accordance with the Open Meeting Act.
a. Motion to Meet in Closed Session: Moore motioned that the Board meet in closed session under Section 8(a) of the Open Meetings Act, to consider the wage evaluations at the request of Asst. Director. Seconded by Otto. The vote to move to closed session was conducted in a roll call vote. Otto: yes; Huizinga: Yes; Moore: Yes; Harnish: yes in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the Board moved to a closed session at 7:20pm.
b. Motion to End Closed Session: At 7:26pm, Moore motioned to end the closed session, seconded by Otto. All yes to end closed session and return to open session
Motion to increase salaries of Asst. Director-19 years of service-current salary at 10.06 per hour to 10.50
Senior librarian-8 years of service-current salary at 7.50 per hour to 8.00 per hour: Dept. Head- 11 years of service –current salary at 7.50 per hour to 8.00 per hour made by Moore; Huizinga seconded: all yes-motion carried
Discussion of coffee maker-decided to get a new coffee maker-old one leaks
Motion to adjourn by Moore at 7:35; Otto seconded: all yes-motion carried
Respectfully submitted by Peggy E. Otto