October 13th Minutes
Dorr Township Library
Date: October 13, 2014
6:30 P.M.
Meeting was called to order at 6:33pm by Peggy Otto, President.
Roll Call: Present- Tara Reece, Peggy Otto, Louis Harnish, Barbara Gibson, Ken Huizinga, Rachel Vote. Absent- None. Natalie Bazan, Library Director, was also present. Three visitors.
Approval of the Agenda: Reece motioned to approve the agenda; seconded by Huizinga. All yes, motioned carried.
Approval of the Minutes: Motioned to approve the September 2014 Minutes by Gibson, seconded by Otto. All yes, motion carried. Gibson motioned to approve the Special Meeting Minutes of September 22, 2014, seconded by Vote. All yes, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Reece motioned to receive and file the September 2014 Treasurer’s report, seconded by Gibson. All yes, motion carried. Huizinga motioned, Otto seconded to pay the current credit card bill in the amount of $1392.81. All yes, motion carried.
Public Comment: Comments from the public were heard.
Director’s Report: Bazan provided information about library programming and events during the preceding month and upcoming events. She also provided reports on meetings attended, grant applications, building issues, and ongoing library functioning. The library will be closed on October 16, 2014 due to a special event.
Township Board Meeting: The next meeting is October 27, 2014. Otto will attend this meeting. Bazan sent a report to the previous meeting.
Committee Reports: Personnel Committee will be working on Director’s Annual Review. There will also be a staff meeting on December 6, 2014.
- Revised Policy Manual: Bazan made changes to the document as discussed in previous meetings. Vote motioned to approve the new policy manual as written, seconded by Huizinga. All yes, motion carried.
- Teaching Board: Discussed in a prior meeting the possibility of allowing high school students to come to meetings and get credit for their government class. Discussed this further, no motion made.
1. Library Cat: Discussed the benefits of having a library cat a couple of days a week. Gibson made a motion to adopt the library cat a few days a week, seconded by Otto. Five yes, one no (Reece). Motion carried.
2. Keurig Machine: The Keurig machine has been purchased for the library and will become operational once the other machine is removed.
3. Credit Card: This is now in place and are earning rewards for the new card.
4. 501c3 Application: Bazan updated the Board on the status of the 501c3 application discussed at the previous meeting.
5. Addition to the Dorr Township Library Bylaws: Gibson motioned to add the language to the Bylaws to include an non-voting teen liaison position, seconded by Otto. All yes, motion carried.
6. Charging for faxes: Discussed adding a clause to the policy manual that faxes will be free up to five pages, but after five pages a charge of $1.00 per page would be instituted. Reece motioned, Gibson seconded, to change the faxing policy to allow five pages free per day, with a $1.00/per page charge after the first five pages. All yes, motion carried.
7. Adding Service- Scanning Photos: Discussed offering this service to patrons such that they can scan photos and load it to a patron-provided USB. The charge would be 25 cents per scanned photo/document. Reece motioned, Gibson seconded to add this service for a 25 cent per photo/page charge. All yes, motion carried.
8. Teen Room Policy: Discussed a proposed Teen Room Policy for the new room created for teens and young adults. Reece motioned, seconded by Gibson to adopt the revised Teen Room Policy. All yes, motion carried.
Adjournment: Reece motioned, Otto seconded to adjourn at 8:05pm. All yes.
Next regular meeting: November 10, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at the library.
Submitted by Tara Cornelius Reece.