September 22nd Minutes
Dorr Township Library
Date: September 22, 2014
6:30 P.M.
Meeting was called to order at 6:35pm by Peggy Otto, President.
Roll Call: Present- Tara Reece, Peggy Otto, Barbara Gibson, Rachel Vote. Absent- Louis Harnish;Ken Huizinga. Natalie Bazan, Library Director, was also present. 1 visitor.
Approval of the Agenda: Gibson motioned to approve the agenda; seconded by Vote. All yes, motioned carried.
Public Comment: None.
- Staff Insurance: Revisited the possibility of group insurance for employees. Reviewed quotes for different options for health insurance to explore as possible options for employees. Discussed in depth the benefits and drawbacks of employer-provided health insurance. Reece motioned to provide employer-subsidized health care for the Director position, seconded by Gibson. All yes, motioned carried. Discussed rate of employer-provided subsidy for Director position. Reece motioned for Dorr Township Library to subsidize the Director’s health insurance at 40% of the cost of the insurance to a maximum of $200.00 per month, whichever is less, seconded by Gibson. Roll call vote: Otto:Yes; Reece: Yes; Gibson: Yes; Vote: Yes. Motion carried. Discussed health insurance for other employees and whether to provide employer-subsidized health insurance for non-Director position. Reece motioned to allow all employees to self-pay the group rate insurance, but there will be no subsidy by the Dorr Township Library for non-Director employees, seconded by Gibson. Roll call vote: Otto:Yes; Reece: Yes; Gibson: Yes; Vote: Yes. Motion carried. In light of these decisions, the Dorr Township Library Board of Trustees made a resolution to comply with 2011 Public Act 152. Motion made by Reece, seconded to Otto. Roll call vote: Otto:Yes; Reece: Yes; Gibson: Yes; Vote: Yes. Four yes, zero no; motion carried..
Adjournment: Reece motioned, Vote seconded to adjourn at 7:50pm. All yes.
Next regular meeting: October 13, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at the library.
Submitted by Tara Cornelius Reece.