August 10th Minutes
Dorr Township Library
Date: August 10, 2015
6:30 P.M.
Meeting was called to order at 6:35pm by Peggy Otto, President.
Pledge of Allegiance: Was said.
Roll Call: Present- Tara Reece, Peggy Otto, Louis Harnish, Barbara Gibson, Rachel Vote. Absent- Ken Huizinga. Natalie Bazan, Library Director, was also present. 0 visitors.
Approval of the Agenda: Reece motioned to approve the amended agenda to reflect the updated July credit card bill in the amount of $1757.52, seconded by Vote. All yes, motion carried.
Approval of the Minutes: Motioned to approve the June 2015 Minutes by Gibson, seconded by Vote. All yes, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Otto motioned to receive and file the July 2015 Treasurer’s report with the amended August 2015 budget to reflect current spending, seconded by Gibson. All yes, motion carried. Reece motioned, seconded by Vote, to pay the June 2015 credit card bill in the amount of $1669.03. All yes, motion carried. Reece motioned, seconded by Vote, to pay the July 2015 credit card bill in the amount of $1757.52. All yes, motion carried.
Public Comment: None.
Director’s Report: Bazan provided information about library programming and events during the preceding month and upcoming events. She also provided reports on meetings attended, grant applications, building issues, and ongoing library functioning. Circulation for June was up from the 2014 June calendar year and comparable to July 2014 for July 2015.
Township Board Meeting: The next meeting is August 25, 2015. Bazan will attend this meeting. Otto and Bazan attended the previous meeting and provided a three-minute update on library events and programming.
Committee Reports: None.
1. None.
1. Ed/Training: Bazan presented information about additional training for the Director through the American Library Association. She recently applied to get a Level 1 Certification. ALA also provides a training entitled the Certified Public Library Administrator Program. The cost of this training is $2845 and includes 7 courses including Organization and Personnel Administration, Planning and Management of Buildings, Management of Technology, Fundraising and Grantmanship, and other electives that would serve the library well. The cost of the training would be split with Hopkins. Vote motioned to approve an expenditure not to exceed $1500 for training pending Hopkins agreeing to pay the other half, seconded by Gibson, All yes, motion carried.
2. Computers: The current computers are antiquated and in disrepair. Bazan got a quote to replace the computers with 6 desktops, and 2 laptop computers. The current computers are 5-6 years old so it is within the lifespan to replace the computers. Vote motioned to spend no more than $5000 for new computers including labor, seconded by Gibson. All yes, motion carried.
3. People Counting: Bazan presented information about adding a People Counter to determine how many people are entering the library to determine trends in usage of the library. Vote motioned to approve an expenditure of a People Counter not to exceed $800, seconded by Gibson. All yes, motion carried.
Adjournment: Gibson motioned, Vote seconded to adjourn at 7:24pm. All yes.
Next regular meeting: September 14, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the library.
Submitted by Tara Cornelius-Reece.