June 8th Minutes
Dorr Township Library
Date: June 8, 2015
6:30 P.M.
Meeting was called to order at 6:27pm by Peggy Otto, President.
Pledge of Allegiance: Was said.
Roll Call: Present- Tara Reece, Peggy Otto, Ken Huizinga, Louis Harnish, Barbara Gibson, Rachel Vote. Absent- None. Natalie Bazan, Library Director, was also present. One visitor.
Approval of the Agenda: Reece motioned to approve the amended agenda to include the amount of the credit card statement, seconded by Otto. All yes, motion carried.
Approval of the Minutes: Motioned to approve the May 2015 Minutes by Otto, seconded by Gibson. All yes, motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Otto motioned to receive and file the May 2015 Treasurer’s report, seconded by Huizinga. All yes, motion carried. Otto motioned, seconded by Huizinga, to pay the May 2015 credit card bill in the amount of $2718.41. All yes, motion carried.
Public Comment: None.
Special Guest: Cassie Reece, a third grader at Dorr Elementary, met with Board to discuss a fundraiser she would like to do for Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital. She is looking for local sponsors to assist to make donations to HDCH. All donated funds will 100% go to HDCH. Vote motioned, Gibson seconded, to offer $25 as a donation from the library. Five yes, 1 abstention (Reece).
Director’s Report: Bazan provided information about library programming and events during the preceding month and upcoming events. She also provided reports on meetings attended, grant applications, building issues, and ongoing library functioning.
Township Board Meeting: The next meeting is June 30, 2015. Otto will attend this meeting. Otto and Bazan attended the previous meeting and provided a three-minute update on library events and programming.
Committee Reports: None.
1. Needs Assessment Questionnaire: This went live in Survey Monkey June 1, 2015.
1. None
Adjournment: Reece motioned, Otto seconded to adjourn at 7:20pm. All yes.
Next regular meeting: July 13, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the library.
Submitted by Tara Cornelius-Reece.